I feel the same way when I clean and find something gross, even in the most out of the way never viewed areas of the house. I’m comforted that I’m not alone!

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I feel you. I had to cut back on coffee, and now stop drinking it entirely and I miss the ritual of it. I can have decaf, and I drink lots more chamomile tea, but you're right. It's just not the same!

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I have also really struggled with what to wear. Fashion shifted and jean styles completely changed over the pandemic, and I am struggling to find a new silhouette with these new pants and styles that makes me feel good and comfy in my ever-changing body. Clothes are HARD!

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All of this!!

First, maybe try dandelion tea- it tastes like coffee! Or mushroom “coffee”-- healthy and also tastes like coffee. Or just straight up switch to hot chocolate- healthy and mood boosting.

Second, I’m totally barely tuning into election stuff. It’s bananas.

Third, same with the cleaning. I need a robot vacuum but I also want it to mop 😅 and shame is definitely something that keeps me from cleaning.

Fourth, literally just went to several different malls and said to my husband “where do the 30 year olds shop because I like exactly *none* of these styles.” My uniform right now is jeans from H&M and a tank from Amazon and a flannel (sort of, softer and lighter weight) button up from Walmart a couple years ago. Varying colors. I don’t love it and it’s definitely not stylish or trendy, but I don’t hate it either.

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Pretty sure I have to get that vacuum cleaner. I have never read anything about cleaning with which I resonated more. (There was a lot of other resonance for me in this post, too, but that's the one I feel like highlighting.)

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I wish we could get more people in your age group or even younger to run for more offices. Y'all kids (*cough* 😁) need to start taking charge and making the country better for yourselves. The state of things is certainly quite demoralizing at this point in time, but I suspect every generation has said that. The cost of freedom is constant vigilance. It can be very tiring at times.

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I couldn’t agree more on all these things, most particularly the election and feeling like you dislike everything in your closet. During summer, I wear dresses almost every day and I love it. I always feel so feminine and put together, whether I am or not. 😂 But with winter I have no idea what to wear and everything in my closet feels tight, restrictive, and heavy. Just another reason I’m counting down to summer.

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I feel the same way about my clothes. I never seem to stray too far away from t-shirts and denim (and these days, it’s my husband’s shirts). I’ve even had my colors and seasons done, so I have some knowledge about what would look good on me, but the thought of curating a cute wardrobe is just ugh. Maybe it’s because I’m not working right now, so I don’t leave the house enough to care about being “cute.” My husband tells me to just embrace it (after all, that’s what I wore in high school, when we met), but for some reason, I struggle. I want to pursue “style,” but I feel lazy about it.

What else is on my mind?

Like you, not looking forward to election coverage at all, but I’ve started following some independent journalists whose coverage of candidates is less finger-pointing and more well-rounded, so I may engage more with that this cycle and see how I feel. Or I may avoid it all as much as possible.

Lately, I haven’t minded getting up early and getting things done, but sometimes all I want is a heating pad for my back and a YouTube rabbit hole. I was pretty productive yesterday, but I am feeling a little tug to clean my bathroom. I suppose I could do it now and rabbit hole later.

The brain never wanders too far away from Israel-Palestine, but that’s probably because it’s all over my IG. I don’t engage, but that doesn’t stop the screaming headlines.

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You're definitely not alone in having to give up some food or drink you love. My 4yo has a cows milk protein allergy so we just have no dairy in the house anymore. Cheese used to be my favorite food - we used to live in the area of England where they make blue stilton and I could have told you which dairy it came from by the taste. Ah well.

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Also felt the clothes..

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Felt the trump/politician thing. Ugh it's like you picked my brain.

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I'm so sorry about the coffee ☕️ 😞 my husband quit coffee & I tried for a couple days but I soon had to go back. And I'm kinda the same as you... it doesn't wake me up that much, but it's such a comfort thing once the morning rush is over.

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You put into words exactly my feelings on the election. This sounds dramatic, but the last one (coupled with Covid and some hard family circumstances) was a major contributing factor to a faith crisis I’m still recovering from 3 years later. I’m not ready to do it again. I’m going to be much more thoughtful about my media consumption this time around, and protective of my mental health.

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My condolences about the coffee, truly. I’ve essentially self-diagnosed PMDD- I fit nearly every symptom on the list, unfortunately. Besides the coffee (I’m going to have to work myself up to that idea), have you found anything that helps? It’s so overwhelming, and neither hormonal BC nor SSRI’s feel like options for me (have tried both in the past with quite negative side effects).

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I'm so so so sorry about the coffee. There is no replacement. The only herbal alternative type thing that comes close to a similar mouthfeel/texture for me is called Rasa. It's an herbal adaptogen "coffee". It is not coffee but I really love it. It's definitely on the pricey side so I ration it, but it's kind to my adrenals, gives a little energy boost without a buzz and just generally feels like I'm giving myself a hug instead of flogging my lagging energy levels. (And feel free to ignore if it's annoying! It's just the only "tea" like thing that has a similar body and mouth feel to coffee. Most teas are just too watery)

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Literally texted Nate this morning, "I just can’t even do this," with a link to the polls at the top of the NY times this morning. I just can't do it again.

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