Thanks for posting your ramblings through a brain of mush. It's inspiring me to try to do the same today.

Also I absolutely love love love that photo of Billie at your desk. ๐Ÿ˜

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Yes definitely craving warm bread! I need to start baking again. Here in CA it's just been too dang hot... Maybe it will cool off enough soon that I will want to make bread and pull out fall decor... I long to read for fun again and write poetically. All my creative energy has gone to the final stages of my dissertation, which is not artistic, so poetic writing sounds nice... And the rest of my energy goes to trying to be present for my kids and husband. But I have moved my body 3 times this week so that's a win! I wonder if I could get into LOTR right now... I haven't read it in years ... Sounds nice... Can my writing challenge just be long reflections on your posts? ๐Ÿ˜† Anyways, thank you for sharing your beautiful words.

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Lovely post.

Iโ€™m ready to embrace the writing challenge. Iโ€™m developing my first novel. Should I write about that on Substack? Would anyone be interested?

Warm bread? Thatโ€™s a treat. I bake my bread by hand. The kneading, knocking back, etc is mindfulness.

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Nutella is amazing. I need to open my book and start writing with you! Simultaneously describes my life right now too and itโ€™s hard finding time for the things I feel are important but not necessary. Probably another lie I need to shed.

Thanks for sharing

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An excellent challenge: both LOTR and your writing one. Cheering you on, Breanne! I just started homeschooling my first-grade this year, and it's a doozy.

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I canโ€™t wait to join you in reading LOTR series this year. And Iโ€™m also joining you on your writing challenge, since I want to get my substack going again!

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I so understand the homeschooling brain-is-mush thing! This is the first year weโ€™ve done textbook-based school rather than video-based, and while (surprisingly) the kids are really enjoying it, Iโ€™m still struggling with trying to fit all the things into my day now that Iโ€™ve added 3-4 hours of school to our schedule. Iโ€™ve had to keep reminding myself that it takes time to settle into a new scheduleโ€ฆ

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โ€œOr how millennials keep being fed the lie that they can โ€œfixโ€ their body/faith journey/housing situation/trauma if they just try harder, do more, read this, eat that, and itโ€™s wringing us dryโ€. Iโ€™m Generation X and I see this as well especially in regards to social media. An example I frequently see is regarding self help and how if you arenโ€™t living the life you are supposed to be living, itโ€™s because you havenโ€™t read this self help book or taken this supplement or hustled hard enough. Itโ€™s exhausting! I try to remember โ€œMy grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon meโ€. 2 Corinthians 12:9

I always appreciate your posts Breanne ๐Ÿงก

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Mush brain is so so so real right now! Haha.

Congrats on the 300 for Many Meetings! I'm hoping to (mostly) keep up with the reading this year. I love that you are doing a writing challenge to cultivate your own creativity more. I've been wrestling with that balance a lot this year -- of trying to be intentional in my creative outlets instead of doom scrolling but also not beat myself up when life truly gets in the way. No matter what self-struggles I sometimes go through to jump into writing or creating art, I am always grateful I pushed through the tiredness, stress, sadness, or anxiety to do so. You mentioned "lax with my writing disciplines," and, goodness, I feel that.

As always, thank you for sharing your journey.

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"No matter what self-struggles I sometimes go through to jump into writing or creating art, I am always grateful I pushed through the tiredness, stress, sadness, or anxiety to do so." I FEEL THAT. I never regret writing and reading more. Have you read, "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg? That book always gives me a proper kick in the pants when I'm feeling stuck.

Thanks for reading!

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(Because most of my writing life consists of feeling stuck!)

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Most of my writing life consists of feeling stuck too ๐Ÿ˜‚ But I've learned to just write with that stuck feeling. It's kind of like a companion at this point more than a sign that I need to stop altogether. Though it is a constant feeling to fight giving up! I hope the book is helpful!

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Sep 17Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Thanks for the book recommendation! Just borrowed the e-book on my public library app! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™‚

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