Your words continue to be a balm to my soul. I am so grateful that I am not alone in my own similar "theological limp." Thank you for these words. I'm so looking forward to reading Lore's book! I preordered it and have it at the top of my next TBR stack!

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“A theological limp”. I’m adopting that phrase right now to help others understand where I’m coming from. Thank you for this!

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Jun 26Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Love this, Brea. Truly, truly.

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Your book is one of my favorite things I've read this year. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing the deep, slow work needed to bring it out into the world. It's a "for such a time as this" moment if I've ever seen one. I want to press it into the hands of everyone I know.

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Jun 28Liked by Breanne Rodgers

Brea 😭😭 thank you. Thank you.

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Lore and now you are the only two I pay for. That is how much I value your words. Also your suggested song was amazing.

Eat, sleep (if you can) and be refreshed. Like Elijah may God send his angel to give you strength for the journey.

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I don't take that lightly, Emily. I'm so deeply grateful for your support for my work. Thank you for your tender encouragement ❤️

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Jun 25Liked by Breanne Rodgers

I’m on vacation with my family right now and Lore’s book is one of the ones I brought with me. I’m almost halfway through it and I feel the same way as you. She describes so well what the past few years have been like and the uncomfortable but honest place I’ve found myself. This book is helping to heal me, too.

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It's a book I can't wait to read again because I know I'll glean even more from it. So glad you know about it. I want everyone to read it!

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Jun 28Liked by Breanne Rodgers

I agree. I read the whole thing in 2 days and immediately started it over to read through in much smaller chunks.

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Jun 25Liked by Breanne Rodgers

We were in Northern Kentucky and then Cincinnati on Sunday morning (which I think is near you, yes??), so I lived that heat to overcast to rain too💛 “What is won’t always be” are such good words to live by. 💛💛💛

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WHAT. You were in my stomping' grounds?! If you ever need recs let me know! And yes, the rain was such a welcome. We've been suffering in the heat over here. I love that you were over thisaway!

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Jun 25Liked by Breanne Rodgers

This was such a beautiful reflection (and yes I was listening to the recommended song while listening which just added to the experience). I'm so glad you're loving The Understory. I have told so many people about this book and given away multiple copies. It is truly rain on parched ground and I'm glad it is refreshing you.

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Rain on parched ground is right. Lore is such a needed voice right now. I love that you know her book too!

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Breanne, I too had to unsubscribe due to finances, but I plan to be back ASAP! I adore every word. You have such an enchanting way of writing, in this Substack and In Many Meetings. I get excited when you post! I hope you aren’t disheartened for long. Keep going.

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No rush on getting back soon, Lindsay! I completely understand, things are tight in our house too. Your encouragement means so much. Thank you!

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Jun 24Liked by Breanne Rodgers

I don't know at what point unsubscribe notices show up, but due to finances I unsubscribed awhile back but it still gives me your content until the remainder of my subscription runs out. Which it does yesterday or today I think...for you, untimely due to your recent post. While I would not agree with your conclusion it is not something I would necessarily unsubscribe over. I don't expect to share the same views with everyone I read (I do absolutely agree we are all image-bearers, despite our sin, so my differences are elsewhere). I wish I could stay subscribed consistently but have to come and go as I can. I'm sorry you've had such a difficult summer and truly wish you all the literal best.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

No worries at all, Hillary. I completely understand (and support) having to unsubscribe due to finances. As I mentioned in the post, it's something I've had to do as well. Some people have even included a note when they unsubscribe that says something like, "Your writing is lovely but we need to cut back some things in the budget right now!" and I always appreciate that. Though at the same time, no one owes me an explanation and I never want anyone to feel guilted for leaving for whatever reasons they need to. ❤️

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I actually didn't know you could include a note...if it was there I just completely overlooked it. Still trying to figure out Substack! Thank you for your grace. <3

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And thank you for taking the time to be gracious in your original comment here. It means a lot!

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I think it is a hard balance to strike and people want to feel safe, but for many of us, that luxury is just not an option any more. To be honest, on my more cynical days I am still a little wistful in my longing for the level of certainty I used to feel about who was right and wrong. I say it a little tongue in cheek, but sorting through the mess of the last few years has made me more certain of less than I’ve ever been. But, as humans we also have to categorize and make assumptions to survive. It’s just so complicated. I’ve been trying hard to not ever unsubscribe as a knee jerk reaction. Sometimes I do eventually whittle things down or hit that button, but I imagine myself walking out of the room mid conversation and how icky that feels. Maybe after a difficult conversation you realize a relationship isn’t what you thought — but it seems we’re so eager to feel safe we’ve forgotten how to listen to anyone.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Yes, most people (including me) just want to feel safe. It's just a basic human desire. Most of the people we meet and brush shoulders with--online and in person--just want to feel seen, loved and understood. And its complicated to navigate that because we're all different.

I like what you said about trying not to unsubscribe as a knee jerk reaction. I try not to do that either. Who knows, maybe those people who unsubscribed didn't do it impulsively, maybe they'd been considering it for awhile and my post helped them understand this wasn't the place for them. And that's ok.

And yes, our eagerness to feel safe sometimes hinders our ability to listen.

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