Yes. Enjoy your day.

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My thoughts --

Many people are not prepared to know the Endless God who needs NO boundaries. If anything, many people will never know the Endless God who dwells beyond the artificial qualities of labels and labeling.

A real rubber plant can never be a plastic rubber plant, while a plant rubber plant can never be a real rubber plant .....

ALL churches set out to create an artificial God to keep minds and hearts trapped in the killing soils of guilt and shame. The Endless God represents a real threat to these churches since the Endless God does not carry if you enjoy the bliss and pleasures of a great orgasm outside of marriage .....

The Endless God wants you to know ALL aspects of who you truly are:

You too are also endless and therefore you are unconditionally loved by the Endless God. Know this to be the truth you will NEVER ever find in any church addicted to preaching the illness of the limited God of Guilt and Shame .....

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Oof. I feel this.

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"Scripture and plain reason" under the guidance of the Spirit has been the only firm foundation for Christians. It is so much easier just to go along with the current crowd but we are not called to that.

Every thought captive.

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It is the father who forth the work. Serving a higher purpose, driven by a little unknown helps. Intuitive than intellectual. ❤️

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“The safety my soul craves isn’t in finding as many people as possible who agree with me. It’s found in Jesus Christ. If He’s where my soul is anchored in, I can be brave enough to love whoever is in front me, whether we agree or not.”

I’m sorry your week has been INSANE but I’m also grateful it’s prompted you to share this essay again.

In recent years, also at almost 33, I too have been learning to undo some of the ways I’ve been shaped by a twisted use of scripture. Not so much as the messages I’ve heard, though I’ve heard some awful ones. But more so the deeds I saw done or lives I saw lived by those who only wore their Christianity as a blazer to be checked at the church doors.

Praise be to God that nothing can truly separate us from the love of Christ and that in him we can find the strength to live with and pray for sinners like us. AND praise Jesus for reminding me constantly that HE carries the weight of salvation and that is not my burden to bear.

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I am a new reader. I wish I'd found you long ago, but here I am, and here you are. I don't even know how I came across you and so I did a little searching and found a facebook page where you shared some of your writing from 2020. I now must confess I have a page in my Notes app entitled "Breanne Rodgers quotes" followed by a few paragraphs that really touched me.

I'm commenting here (I am not very familiar with substack even though I started one recently, and I don't know if you see comments on older posts) because I can relate to what you shared. I also come from the pioneering homeschooling world, large family, complex and misapplied theology, and subsequent struggles with legalism. I wrote a book about it once. It was well into my thirties before coming to understand the gospel and God's wild, sweet grace. I look forward to reading more of your stories and wisdom and learning how grace has woven you whole.

Many blessings.

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This no mans land between “conservative” and “liberal” Christian is where I’ve been the last few years and it’s definitely lonely. I told my husband the other day, sometimes I miss the ignorance of my younger self, life felt easier, relationships less complicated. But I can’t go back now, and I wouldn’t want to. (Also a pastors kid and I appreciate the struggle of living in a fish bowl growing up) thanks for writing this!

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It is so very hard to live in the tense middle, but you are not alone.

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Oh, Breanne. I felt like I was reading my very own story. “They taught the right things in the wrong way” grabbed my attention and whispered peace to my adult soul, aching from “unlearning” and “relearning”. It’s a beautiful, ugly process. I’m so thankful God didn’t leave me where I was, confused and broken and bleeding. The journey is far from over but it is a comfort to find another companion on the path. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for the hope you offer.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Though my childhood was different i feel these things too. Asbury was enlightening ( is that the right word) . It pulled the bandaid off a lot of really hurting people on both sides. Highlighted a lot of hurt & was beautiful at the same time. Anyhoo

It takes a lot of courage to heal, you are giving your kids such a gift.

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It probably doesn’t surprise you that I relate to a lot of this. Thanks for putting words to it.

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